I have authored (or co-authored) five books that focus on interpersonal relationships. They are all academic books, but each has a unique quality that makes it accessible to the accessible to all readers. The books share some common themes. They all deal with long-term relationships and examine processes that help us work together toward healthy relationship futures. For example, themes from these projects include communicating during conflict, negotiating difficult moral issues, love and intimacy, justice, and forgiveness and reconciliation. All of the books reference academic research and make practical application of scientific findings.
Communicating Forgiveness 2008
Marriage at Midlife 2009
Moral Talk Across the Lifespan: Creating Good Relationships 2015
Just Relationships: Living Out Social Justice and Mentor, Family, Friend, and Lover 2017
Intimate Spaces: A Conversation about Discovery and Connection 2021
*See the downloadable file for Marital Communication that will help apply what you read to your specific relationship situation.